1 – Introduction: The company as a risk factor
The extension of the types of insurance contracts to many different has transformed our society in the “risk society”. But, while not denying this evidence, we can reverse the concept and also affirm the existence also  of a “risk society”, that is, consider that today the company itself is a risk factor, because the media amplify and distort the reality and people are not so gullible, for which themselves are continually excited and multiplies the entropy, that is the risk.
The risk is the raison d’etre of the insurance.
There are people who have frequent need of adrenaline. These are the worst customers of insurance companies, in fact they are not even customers because companies refuse to insure.
However, there are subject, though naturally conservative, who cannot stand the idea of risk, willing to cover translating other and they are the best customers of the insurance companies, because they are willing to give up any potential event risk, that can become a reality. These subjects have pushed companies to devise policies of any kind (such holiday insurance, etc.).
But, we must consider that the mere translation of the risk attenuates the attention of the insured, which is rooted in the consolation of the “so I am covered by the company.” This mentality, very harmful, is opposed by the insurance companies with the open insurance  overdraft and various forms of franchise.
The insured must be a “member of the risk”, not just a seller.
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